In Awe of Marvel and Chadwich Boseman
I am absolutely in love with Marvel movies, and this real life hero is such as inspiration. In his starring role as the Marvel superhero Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman became a shining light for African-American movie lovers. He showed them an example of a man who...
Tribute to Dr Paul Kalanithi – When Breath Becomes Air
This book moved me on so many different levels. I hope you will get a chance to experience the uplifting spirit of this book. By the time he reached his 30s, Dr Paul Kalanithi had achieved so much in his life. After graduating from Yale, where he studied medicine,...
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
I believe that a person can only truly serve their purpose if they first take care of their own basic needs. It is only when your glass is full that you can start filling other people’s glasses. This belief has a basis in psychological theory. In particular, I refer...
Confront Your Fears
Fear is perhaps the largest obstacle you will face when the time comes to demonstrate your strength to the world. If we assume you’ve discovered your strength, there comes a time when you must utilise that strength to fulfil your purpose. This is where fear is most...
Release Your Past
We all have pasts. The most dangerous thing about the past is that it has a habit of engulfing us. We dwell on the mistakes we’ve made, the experiences we’ve endured, and, in some cases, the unhappiness that the past brought. This can lead to us feeding ourselves...