Embark on Your Journey of Well-Being & Transformation

Embark on Your Journey of Well-Being & Transformation

Our Mission

Inspiring Individuals to Prioritise Self-Care, Navigate Change with Confidence and Cultivate Resilience

Our Vision

Catalysing Well-Being as the Intrinsic Part of Transformation

Extraordinary Gifts Lie Within You,
No Matter How Ordinary You Think You Are.

Meet Mahal

Mahal is the founder and voice behind MetaDestiny Pte Ltd, through which she advocates Well-Being, specialising in Resilience, Change Management and Self-Care. She is a certified Mental Wellness Coach and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner. She is also one of the honourees of Singapore: 40-over-40 Inspiring Women of 2023.

As a Speaker, Trainer and Author, Mahal is dedicated to empowering individuals and organisations in spreading the awareness and need to cultivate Well-Being.

After surviving a critical, medical condition, she emerged from it stronger and with a renewed perspective of life and purpose.

She is a firm believer in the simple philosophy that in taking care of ourselves, we can better care for those around us and create a more positive and productive future for ourselves and our communities.

She is the Amazon Best-Selling Author of ‘Repurposed – Finding the New You’ and co-author of ‘Shaken, Stirred but not Deterred.’

Mahal is also an experienced educator, holds a Masters in Education and has worked in the Ministry of Education for more than 20 years. She continues serving across educational institutes in Singapore and is currently an Associate Lecturer.

Mahal caters to :



Educational Institutes

Organisations with Women-Centric focus

Work With Me

Watch the Book Trailer

Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life?

Have you ever felt that surely there is more to you beyond the current roles that you juggle and lifestyle that you lead?

Every single one of us has a purpose in life; gifts and talents that we have been uniquely equipped with that allow us to serve a specific purpose.

This book endeavours to bring clarity to women who are feeling lost, anxious, and are struggling with their sense of identity.

Blog Posts & Update

Your Strength

I believe that developing strength is all about investing in yourself. To become strong, you must first uncover what it is that makes you such a phenomenal person. And once you’ve identified these...

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The Power of Positive Thinking

On the surface, positive thinking may seem like a very similar thing to visualisation. However, positive thinking extends far beyond visualisation and into every aspect of how your mind works as you...

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RePurposed - Finding the New You

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